
Apologies, but due to events beyond our control we have had to cancel the Walking Tour this Tuesday 28th January. We hope to reschedule very soon.
Kind regards

CPR and defibrillator training

Tonight sees our second session of our first groups free fully accredited (with certificate on completion) first aid with CPR and defibrillator training.
Following a medical emergency within the area there is a raised awareness of its importance and we as a group want to help. The first 5 minutes after a cardiac arrest are the most crucial and with immediate treatment before paramedics arrive, it can vastly improve the outcome for the person.
We will be in touch with the remaining residents in the second group when the date is confirmed. A big thank you to Barry “Baz” Hamilton.
In loving memory of David “Richy” Richmond ❤️


There are still a couple of spaces available, please book in advance at
As part of Dalaradias Robbie Burns celebrations we will be hosting an Ulster Scots Walking Tour on Tuesday 28th January at 10.00am to 11.30am.
It will be from The Whitehouse, 34 Whitehouse Park BT37 9SQ. Tea & Coffee provided, please wear suitable clothing and shoes for weather.

Walking tour

As part of Dalaradias Robbie Burns celebrations we will be hosting an Ulster Scots Walking Tour on Tuesday 28th January at 10.00am to 11.30am.
It will be from The Whitehouse, 34 Whitehouse Park BT37 9SQ. Tea & Coffee provided, please wear suitable clothing and shoes for weather.
Places are complimentary but must be booked in advance at
Limited to 20 places

First aid

Our group is providing free fully accredited (with certificate on completion) first aid with CPR and defibrillator training to residents of Rathcoole.
Following a medical emergency within the area there is a raised awareness of its importance and we as a group want to help. The first 5 minutes after a cardiac arrest are the most crucial and with immediate treatment before paramedics arrive, it can vastly improve the outcome for the person.
We are already over subscribed for our first 2 sessions and will be providing more. If you are interested and can commit to two 2 hour training sessions on two back to back evenings (dates TBC) please contact our page privately. In loving memory of David “Richy” Richmond ❤️

Happy new year

Happy new year folks on behalf of the Whitehouse.
Quick fact: Did you sing the traditional “Auld Lang Syne” at the stroke of midnight? Did you know it is a Scots-language poem sung worldwide and was written by Robert Burns in 1788?
We hope you have a safe and enjoyable one.

Thank you

Huge thanks to all Dalaradia volunteers who worked so hard this year to facilitate the many groups and individuals who visit our unique building and engage with all the services we offer.
If you would like to work with us in 2025 please email:

First aid course

Closing of the year with our 3 session first aid course.
Many thanks to all who took part with our fantastic tutor.

Barron Hall group

Dalaradia were delighted to work with the Barron Hall group as part of our Pretani Positive Celebration of Cultural Identity.

Seniors dinner

Yesterday afternoon our group hosted the Newtownabbey Methodist Mission seniors friendship group to a Christmas dinner at the Whitehouse Working Men’s Club🎅 🍲 Some members were a little under the weather but we made sure they got a home delivery ☺️
We really hope you enjoyed it folks. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend 🎄Many thanks to the Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council.