At Dalaradia/RATHs request a no dumping sign was installed at the Doonbeg Bonfire site. There are fly tippers who take advantage of bonfire sites throughout the country.
The bonfire collection will be started at the end of May/start of June. Until then they request nothing is to be placed there. They have asked us to inform the public not to dump any waste or household items. Wood will only be accepted within the field and not on the lay-by or paths.
We should all take pride in our areas appearance. It is part and parcel of celebrating our rich history and culture.
Did you know Bonfires even predate King Williamโs landing. Going back as far as circa 400AD with the coming of Christianity to Ulster. Feast days and other religious holidays were celebrated around a bonfire as the whole community joined together to feast and praise God.
Respect – Heritage – Culture