On 6th April 2013 Dalaradia, as part of outreaching to rural communities visited the Randlestown Community Group Hall where the Randalstown Cultural Awareness Association is based.
After, the group traveled to the Dunsilly Hotel, Antrim for an action plan.
The trip was facilitated by Martin Snodden from “Northern Spring” mediation group. We engaged in a full days workshop. The report on the day is below:
On arrival participants were met and welcomed to the Dunsilly Hotel by the facilitator for
the day. After a brief settling in period the work of the day commenced with more formal
introductions around the room. During this session Jim McIlroy from the Carson Project
was introduced to the group and the plan for the day’s activities was explained and agreed upon.The outline for the day included:
Environmental Scan;
Good Practice example – Carson Project;
Identifying a Desired Outcome for the Dalriada group;
SWOT Analysis;
Action Points and Plan.
The group recognized it was dealing with conflict legacy issues such as:
Our identity;
PUL community internal issues;
Unemployment issues;
Young people;
Dalriada group development;
Programmes and projects;
A quick round up of the day included:
1. Dalriada Strategic Plan completed;
2. Dalriada group history captured and information leaflet produced;
3. Public Relations work started;
4. Web presence advertsing DCS;
5. Ex-Combatants international exchange(s) programme organised:
6. (To include an exchange with Israel and Galipoli)
7. DCS Training Needs & Analysis completed;
8. Group capacity building programme based on TN&A to commence.
To further support the group the facilitator highlighted in table format a project
management resource for them to consider.
At this point, the end of the day, the groups active participation was acknowledged and all
agreed there needed to be a follow-up event to complete the table.