Author's posts

Micheal Martin   Why Micheal Martin is a key unionist ally against resurgent republicanism If the DUP want to see off Sinn Fein, they need to adopt the tactics that defeated the IRA: hit them hard, often and from different angles   Fianna Fail TD Micheal Martin condemns ‘cult-like’ figures in Sinn Fein Courageous security forces …

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Reformation with Brian Ervine

Yesterday evening the group hosted a special guest speaker, Brian Ervine, who delivered a very enjoyable and informative talk on the Reformation with this year being the 500th anniversary. Brian is a playwright, songwriter and teacher and taught English and Religion at Orangefield High School in east Belfast. A former leader of the Progressive Unionist …

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Reformation Day

Happy Reformation Day? Today marks the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s actions at Wittenberg prompting the beginning of the Protestant Reformation which remade Christianity in the West.   On Oct. 31, 1517, Martin Luther is said to have nailed his 95 Theses to the wooden doors of the local church in Wittenberg, Germany. In his …

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Bertys Story

Now that the recent LCC Tanzania project is over the guys are now settled back home and sharing their stories. Below is a member of Dalaradia. Bertys story – “Hello, My Name is Robert McWilliams, Bertie to my friends. I am a loyalist from a working-class background in Carrickfergus. Recently, I was given the opportunity …

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Brave new world Over four years and across seven hours of television William Crawley has travelled to America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia to tell the stories of some remarkable Ulster-Scots men and women who made their mark in the New World. Now he returns to home soil to find out what those stories reveal about the …

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Row on Row, East Belfast

Row on Row East Belfast, which Dalaradia take part in every year – starts on 5th November. To mark the opening a scooter cavalcade will leave Belfast City Hall at 1.30 and the above date with their arrival at Row on Row, Pitt Park, Newtownards Road being around 2pm.   Come and see them arrive …

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PBS – Martin Luther – Complete documentary

Finally the LCC Tanzania Project challenge is over.

Finally the LCC Tanzania Project challenge is over.   All arrived home safe and sound yesterday evening and with the exception of a few mosquito bites everyone is in good health and condition.   Berty, a member of Dalaradia, remarked “the trip started with three groups of strangers and ended with one group of family”. …

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Reformation day

Just 12 days to go until Reformation Day 2017. In the run up to it, we will be sharing various articles and videos. The Protesant Reformation was, first and foremost, all about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was then, and it still is now.

On this day….

On 13th October 1994, after a long process of consultation with members and activists across Northern Ireland, the Combined Loyalist Military Command representing the Red Hand Commando, Ulster Volunteer Force and the Ulster Defence Association, called a ceasefire bringing loyalists fully into the peace process.   The overwhelming majority appeared – and still appear – …

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